Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Landing on the ground in Lima was an overwhelming feeling of joy, yet it felt weird to think that I´m here this time without many people I know, and the fact that I couldn´t share it with many of the people that I know and love from back home. I know that God has a great plan for my time here and I´m very excited to see what that is.

When I got in last night, I had a really hard time finding the person that was picking me up from the airport. It was a little scary for a while. FINALLY I found them and we got back and moved into a hostal for a few nights. Tomorrow morning we will be leaving for a camp for the rest of the week where we will be doing some training. One thing that they told us that we were going to be doing that I´m very excited about is the Amazing race! It will be great!!!

I will write more later, I think I have someone waiting on me! Love you all DEARLY!!!


Monday, May 26, 2008

Peru Bound

Well, today's the day! I leave here around 12:30 pm and I'll arrive in Lima, Peru at approximately 11 pm (CST). God has been so good! I raised all the money I needed and MORE!!! This was all in just 2 short weeks! My nerves are beginning to kick in, making me rely on God for my strength! Which, I guess is a good thing! I'm asking the Lord to help me to just completely focus on him and sharing the gospel during this trip! I know he can do it!

Tonight was a special evening for me and my family and boyfriend Stephen. My parents fixed a nice dinner of London Broil, potatoes, salad, Sister Shubert's rolls (one of my favorites), and a fruit dessert with strawberries, blueberries, and peaches, with ginger ale and ice cream on top. I guess you could call the dessert a Loaded Ginger Ale Float...LOL!

Anyway, I will leave you for now, but as I travel please keep me in your prayers! Also keep my parents, Wayne and Jeanie, brother, Nathan, and boyfriend, Stephen in your prayers as they TRY to have a good summer without me! ;) Just kidding, but do keep them in your prayers!

In Christ,

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Well Boys and Girls....

WE'VE ALMOST MADE IT! I leave in 4 days for Peru! I almost have all my financial stuff in! YIPPEE!! I'm very ready to see what the Lord is going to do in and through me while I'm down there! Please keep my health and safety in your prayers. I found out that I will not have protection from my Hepititus A shot until a few weeks into my trip due to the closeness of my shot to my trip. Pray that God will protect me from that! Also, be praying for safety during my traveling. Another thing to be praying for is that my language skills will just flow out of me! I know a lot of words, and I "know" a lot of sentence structure, but putting all of that together in the right context is a little bit of a challenge for me. Thank you all for your amazing support and love and prayers during this time!! I can't wait to show you what all God's going to do!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getting Ready for my Trip

Before Peru Do

After Peru Do

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Well Boys and Girls, things are falling into place! Last week I got final conformation from the IMB (International Mission Board) that I was able to go on the trip. I spent the last week writing support letters, figuring out my flight schedule, getting insurance, and just sorting everything out.

So, some praises:
1) The IMB gave the conformation for me to go,
2) My letters got out to the people, here at least, the day after I sent them out,
3) I get to work with a group from a church here in town Geyer Springs First Baptist Church.

Prayer Requests:
1) That I would be able to figure out everything that I need to do to get ready for the trip,
2) That God would continue to prepare me spiritually
3) That God would prepare the hearts of those people in Peru that I'll be ministering to
4) That God would prepare those of us that are going to be working together
5) For Leslie Bass (our team leader), Drew Jackson, Amy Long, and Lauren Gross, my team members
6) That God would supply the funds for my trip quickly

Finally, I'll found out where I'm going to be, I will be in the Upper Huaytara Section of the Huancavelica Segment of the Ayacucho Quechuas (I know, that's a mouthful!). Anyway, this is going to be in south central Peru. I'll update you again before too long.

God Bless you all!!
