Monday, May 26, 2008

Peru Bound

Well, today's the day! I leave here around 12:30 pm and I'll arrive in Lima, Peru at approximately 11 pm (CST). God has been so good! I raised all the money I needed and MORE!!! This was all in just 2 short weeks! My nerves are beginning to kick in, making me rely on God for my strength! Which, I guess is a good thing! I'm asking the Lord to help me to just completely focus on him and sharing the gospel during this trip! I know he can do it!

Tonight was a special evening for me and my family and boyfriend Stephen. My parents fixed a nice dinner of London Broil, potatoes, salad, Sister Shubert's rolls (one of my favorites), and a fruit dessert with strawberries, blueberries, and peaches, with ginger ale and ice cream on top. I guess you could call the dessert a Loaded Ginger Ale Float...LOL!

Anyway, I will leave you for now, but as I travel please keep me in your prayers! Also keep my parents, Wayne and Jeanie, brother, Nathan, and boyfriend, Stephen in your prayers as they TRY to have a good summer without me! ;) Just kidding, but do keep them in your prayers!

In Christ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus, I lift upi Natalie to You as she is beginning this journey that You've called her on. Please protect her and keep her safe as she is heading to Peru and while she is there. She has been such a blessing to me and I'm so happy about the mission that You've called her to. Help her to trust in You and cling to You the whole time. And I ask that You'd be with her family as they don't get to see her for a few months, please give them peace. In Jesus name amen.

I love you, Natalie!