Thursday, May 15, 2008


Well Boys and Girls, things are falling into place! Last week I got final conformation from the IMB (International Mission Board) that I was able to go on the trip. I spent the last week writing support letters, figuring out my flight schedule, getting insurance, and just sorting everything out.

So, some praises:
1) The IMB gave the conformation for me to go,
2) My letters got out to the people, here at least, the day after I sent them out,
3) I get to work with a group from a church here in town Geyer Springs First Baptist Church.

Prayer Requests:
1) That I would be able to figure out everything that I need to do to get ready for the trip,
2) That God would continue to prepare me spiritually
3) That God would prepare the hearts of those people in Peru that I'll be ministering to
4) That God would prepare those of us that are going to be working together
5) For Leslie Bass (our team leader), Drew Jackson, Amy Long, and Lauren Gross, my team members
6) That God would supply the funds for my trip quickly

Finally, I'll found out where I'm going to be, I will be in the Upper Huaytara Section of the Huancavelica Segment of the Ayacucho Quechuas (I know, that's a mouthful!). Anyway, this is going to be in south central Peru. I'll update you again before too long.

God Bless you all!!


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